
The Chemicals We've Banned


The Chemicals We've Banned

by Team Ready-Made

Banned Chemicals (Plating Technology)
The Ready-Made Standard

There’s a reason we use 0% gold and have 100% turned away from traditional jewelry plating processes with a much lower barrier to entry. In addition to negative environmental consequences, traditional gold plating is harmful to health especially to people who make and manufacture jewelry. While there are regulations on how the toxic chemicals used in traditional plating processes are disposed, these regulations are only required in some countries and, still, they are not always followed. At the research stage prior to Ready-Made’s launch, we were able to find manufacturing partners who promised to follow regulations on chemical disposal, but we couldn’t fight the feeing that these chemicals were still going somewhere. After learning what these chemicals actually are, we decided to abandon the traditional plating process altogether.

Below is a list of chemicals commonly found in traditional plating methods that have the official #RMStandard ban.

Note that if a chemical isn't listed, it doesn’t mean that we do use it, but we wanted to outline the chemicals that prompted us to begin our journey to a new jewelry territory (Read more here: 001 The Science Of Ready-Made, 002 So. Much. Pressure, 003 Base Metal and Coatings, 004 Sustainability).